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Managing your Time


Most students have very busy lives and responsibilities outside of the classroom to balance with their course work.  On average it is recommended that students reserve two hours of time outside of the classroom for every hour that they spent in class.  This means that if you are in class for 12 hours a week then you should have at least 24 hours outside of the class reserved for your projects, exams, papers, studying, etc.  Some sessions may seem lighter than other sessions in terms of level of difficulty and workload which is dependent on your degree program and how far along you may be.  The goal is to find balance not only between work and school but also with your personal life to avoid burnout. 


Some strategies that you may utilize to stay on track with managing your time is utilizing a planner which will be provided to you by ASAP, utilize the technology such as your personal phone calendars for reminders, read books focusing on time management, and speak with your academic advisor.


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