DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.


BTI 121-People, Work and Organization

Prof. Perry

Spring I 2013


Course description:

The course focuses on careers in organizations and progression of positions that a person will hold during their lifetime.  Concentration is on individual and organizational factors in career development.  Topics include career planning, work socialization, teamwork, career mobility and stages, mentoring, workforce diversity, and work/life balance.  Students complete career and interest assessments, research careers and develop a professional portfolio demonstrating workplace and academic skills.


Course reflection:

During this course I learned how to conduct a personal self assessment based on personality, values, work interest and skills, which further helped my to explore my career and transfer options. Additionally, I learned how to efficiently search for jobs or internships positions and how to prepare for the interview.  I also had a chance to perfect my resume and develop the networking pitch. The lab hours offered me the opportunity to learned new technical skills and enhance the presentation of my ePortfolio.



Self Assessment project


Career and Transfer research 


Networking, Interviewing and Communication








DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.