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I finished my studies in LaGuardia Community College during the Fall semester of 2010. Right now, I'm planning to land a paid internship or a part-time employment to the college's science laboratories. I strongly believe in passing the knowledge and training that the college gave me and inspire other students to do the same. If all goes well, I plan on working in the college for a year or two before I further my studies to a four year college.

After graduating in LaGuardia Community College, I plan to further my studies and earn a bachelors degree in chemistry. The City College of New York is where I plan to go to after graduating in LaGuardia. The City College of New York is a four year college belonging to the CUNY (City University of New York) system. I have heard great things about this college such as having a world renowned thoeretical physicist and co-author of the string field theory Michio Kaku as part of its elite research and teaching staff.

Ultimately, I plan to have a successful career in the scientific research industry particularly in chemistry research. I would like to work in pharmaceutical research companies and one day have a team or company of my own. If this plan doesn't work out, I would like to teach and inspire other people about science and technology.

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