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             credit     www.pcmonitors.org                                                                                        




                                                            About Me


           My name is Fernando Fabian, I currently studying LaGuardia Community College, and my major is computer engineer. With this semester I will obtain 42 credits.  But before I start informing you about my career, I will explain you why I choose to be a computer programmer. At the age of fourteen my mother opens a clothing store, two months after she asked me to helps her to make an easy way to find her costumer’s invoices. That is when I exploited my knowledge in Microsoft Officer and Microsoft Excel.  There is one thing I have developed over the past ten years and that is a passion for computers. Living in an era in which computers play a tremendous role in people lives, make my passion for computers strongest. As a daily life People use electronic mail and Internet chats to communicate with people around the world.

 I currently work for a computer programmer organization, in which I am responsible for posting employment opportunities on the World Wide Web, answering questions and preparing informative handouts. This position has broadened my computing abilities and has improved my interpersonal skills, which are crucial to any business endeavor. Skills like understanding and writing computer language. I enjoy the sense of productivity and usefulness I gain from the work, and feel it is a valuable experience for future employment.  Computers fascinate me not only because it makes companies more competitive, but also because it can bridge great distances to bring people together.

Given the confluence of my personal and professional interests, my goal is to obtain a master's degree and then to work in computers-related industry, either with a consulting firm or as a systems analyst with a financial institution. In addition to this, I plan to use my private time to attend computer programming courses in order to maintain a competitive knowledge of technology. When I have gathered enough experience and skills, I plan to launch a computer programming company of my own.

My undergraduate years have proven to me that my education is far from complete. My decision to pursue graduate studies reflects my belief that becoming an effective computers programmer. It requires conducting research under the guidance of professors who are well versed in my areas of interest. In LaGuardia Community College, I have found an institution with professors whose interests mirror my own and a program that offers the freedom and instruction that I need to pursue fully the awakening of my own computers consciousness.  

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