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Hello, my name is Harold Morales and I am a student at LaGuardia Community College.

This will be my personal statement which includes various goals that I want to accomplish in school and for the rest of my life. I have general goals which are to attain my college degree, this is a similar goal as a lot of people because a college degree means more opportunity and more

money for your future life. Another goal of mine to use this associates degree and acquire a bachelors degree in my major of business management, this will open even more doors for me and provide a great living for me and my family.

            There’s an ultimate educational goal I would like to achieve and that is to complete both my degrees and use them for good, but to also give back and maybe teach people or assist where help is needed.  My best personal achievement is serving 7 years in the United States Army, that time taught me respect and how to fight and earn what you want in life. I would not have the drive I have now if it wasn’t for that career and life choice.

            My personal time is also important to accomplish these goals, because sometimes you need time away to refocus and learn about what your priorities are. My hobbies include playing and watching baseball or any sport really, playing video games and spending time with my friends, this sort of unwinding relaxes me and keep me motivated and focused.

            I learned a long time ago that nothing is free and everything should be earned, the military taught me lesson very well, I know that to accomplish all of the goals that I have,  I have to work and scratch and claw to get to the best and top positions of my field.

            I am a dedicated individual and doesn’t quit, I have and supply motivation to as many

environments as I can, and I possess the knowledge in a few forms of technology as well.

             In closing, I will say that we are all different as we have our own challenges and willpower but at the end of the day it’s the heart that counts and if you have what it takes no

short comings will stop any dream from coming true.





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