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Welcome to my e portfolio. My name is Kenya and I’m currently a senior here at La Guardia Community College majoring in Childhood Education. 

 First and foremost, I want to express that attending college and pursing a degree in education wasn’t part of my plans for my future. At an early age I decided to leave highschool but soon recognized the error of my decision. Reacting to the choice I had made, I went back to school. Soon after I graduated, I decided to attend college. I initially wanted to major in Mortuary Science. However, as fate took its course I found an interest in the feild of education. 

     When I graduate from La Guardia, I want to continue on and pursue a Masters Degree as a speech pathologist, either at Brooklyn  College or Hunter College. I believe that we all have a second chance to regain what we once aspired for, learn and grow from the mistakes we make and become a role model for others. This is why I majored in Childhood Education. 

     I was born and raised in Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY and I’m half Ecuadorian and half Puerto Rican. Attending college and learning about the diversity of cultures and people make me proud of my Latino heritage and where I come from and appreciate the area where I grew up in. My neighborhood is a cultural explosion of arts, music, businesses, opinions, and beliefs. This is especially important to me, being that I see myself as an artist. The synoptic scenery that represents Bushwick is as flavorful as it is surprising. You will always find a person that will influences your point of view with their wisdom and knowledge. Throughout all my years living here I've learned how to persevere and push forward regardless of the scenery surrounding me. This is why I believe it is important to respect and understand the diversity of children as well as adults in order to better aid them as an educator. I want to impact those I cross paths with and also show them that they can achieve anything with hard work. I plan to build confidence in every student I the meet and teach them that “we are the only ones who can stump our triumph.” Considering that I’m also a student I’m faced with new experiences and things to learn. I look forward to what is ahead of me: the people I will meet regardless of their standpoint and learning from them and educating myself to better my tomorrow.


 “As Charles Read said “Which seed do you want to sow? Sow an idea, and    you reap an act; Sow an act, and you reap a habit;

Sow a habit, and you reap a character; Sow a character, and you reap a destiny.


Picture taken by me: Brooklyn Botanical Gardens 2010

E portfolio Reflection

To view printable version of my resume, please click here

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