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            When I first got invited for the ePortfolio Scholars Program, I wasn’t sure why I was selected since I hardly spent any time on my ePortfolio. At first, I felt that it wasn’t important and would take away time from studying for my other computer science classes. By attending these sessions though, I came to realize how important the e-portfolio was to me. By improving my ePortfolio, I improved my writing style and my knowledge in areas such as Photoshop and Copyright protection. My previous ePortfolio class also helped me to make a winning resume that I could not have done otherwise. By enhancing my ePortfolio and keeping it as professional as possible, I am able to share it with employers and anyone who would like to have a sense of my educational history.


             In this ePortfolio Scholar’s Program, I was able to revamp my entire e-portfolio page from what I had learned in my previous CEP 121(Fundamentals in Professional Advancement) class. With the knowledge I gained and the help of Oscar Cortes and Turgut Tezir,  I was able to write a better introduction and personal statement and create legal images and banners to use on my ePortfolio. Although the scholar’s program was only an hour every Wednesday, I learned alot of helpful facts and gained many tips to make my ePortfolio as enticing as possible. I gained indepth knowledge of the Creative Commons licenses and a more professional way to cite images that I use from the internet.


            Most importantly the e-portfolio gives me a way to go back to my previous assignments and reflect back on the work I have done. By reflecting back on my old assignments I will retain the knowledge I have gained throughout my stay at Laguardia Community College.I enjoy the time spent in my ePortfolio Scholar’s Program and I am very thankful to Oscar Cortes and Turgut Tezir for the opportunities and insight they have given me these past 7 weeks.Without them I wouldn’t be as proud to showcase my wonderful ePortfolio!

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