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My Resources :


ALPFA: Largest Latino Association



Alpfa is a national latino organization where I am member of. It is an organization which always encourages latinos to boost their perfomances. One of the main goals from the organization is to increase college education level in the latino comunity. For that reason, the organization always offers a diversified list of events.



U.S Bureau of Labor Statistic



This link allows us to know every economic update in the society such as Inflation & Prices, Unemployment, Productivity, and other related topics. It is really helpful to students in business careers



Government Made Easy



This links is really helphul in order to see the professional or trade unions exist in my field







I am interested to work for Morgan Stanlye since its a company which i can put in practice my degree in Finance since its is about financial services, securities, asset management and credit services.






Deloitte for me has all combination what i want for building my career path. The company has a broad understanding about Audit, Tax, Consulting & Financial Advisory Services.






I work as a team leader for New York Cares Organization. Being a passionate volunteer is a feeling hard to describe because i am aware that my future success is not going to be determined by my academic work only; therefore, I try to always get involved in activities that enhance my critical thinking and understanding of this world. As helping people get the opportunities they are so often denied is an interest of mine.











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